White House pushes Senate to confirm a U.S. ambassador to Israel

Monday, October 9th, 2023 10:51 pm EDT

Key Points

  • Urgent Senate Confirmation for U.S. Ambassador to Israel: The White House has been working urgently to initiate a Senate confirmation process for President Joe Biden’s nominee for U.S. ambassador to Israel, Jack Lew. A confirmation hearing is expected to take place as early as October 18, with the aim of swiftly confirming Lew amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas.
  • Bipartisan Support and Recognition of Importance: The Biden administration and some Democratic senators stress the significance of quickly confirming an ambassador to Israel, especially during times of crisis. They emphasize the need for bipartisan support and unity in supporting Israel and addressing important diplomatic matters in the region.
  • Multiple Vacancies and Potential Senate Influence: Beyond the nomination of Jack Lew, several other key diplomatic positions in the Middle East remain vacant. Senate Republicans may have an influence on the confirmation process, with Senator Ted Cruz raising concerns about Lew’s nomination. However, the White House hopes for a smoother confirmation process upon the Senate’s return to Washington. Jack Lew’s previous roles in government and his involvement in matters related to Israel are highlighted as qualifications for the ambassadorship.

The White House is urgently pushing for Senate confirmation of President Joe Biden’s nominee for U.S. ambassador to Israel, Jack Lew. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee is expected to hold a confirmation hearing for Lew as early as October 18. This move comes amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, with over 1,200 people killed in the fighting, including nine Americans. The Biden administration and some senators stress the importance of swiftly confirming an ambassador to Israel, emphasizing the critical role ambassadors play, especially in times of crisis. The Senate is set to return to Washington early next week, and while Senate Republicans may influence the confirmation process, the White House hopes for a bipartisan confirmation for Lew, who has a history of involvement in matters related to Israel during previous administrations.

For full original article on CNBC, please click here: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/10/09/white-house-pushes-senate-to-confirm-a-us-ambassador-to-israel.html