Nvidia to get 20% weighting and billions in investor demand, while Apple demoted in major tech fund

Monday, June 17th, 2024 5:27 pm EDT

Key Points

  • Nvidia’s rapid rise necessitates the Technology Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLK) to acquire over $10 billion in Nvidia shares and drastically reduce its holdings in Apple.
  • The XLK index, following a rebalance based on adjusted market cap values, will elevate Microsoft to the top position, followed by Nvidia, and relegate Apple to a sharply reduced weighting of approximately 4.5%.
  • Despite Microsoft and Nvidia potentially reaching around 21% weight each post-rebalance, diversification rules cap the cumulative weight of stocks with at least a 5% share, highlighting the fund’s adjustments to reflect Nvidia’s increasing prominence.

In a significant shake-up within the Technology Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLK), Nvidia’s meteoric rise has triggered a rebalancing that will see the ETF acquiring over $10 billion worth of Nvidia shares while drastically reducing its holdings in Apple. As of the latest market cap adjustments, Microsoft emerges as the top stock in the index, followed closely by Nvidia and then Apple, according to insights from Matthew Bartolini, head of SPDR Americas Research. While all three stocks would naturally command over 20% of the index if not for caps on individual holdings, diversification rules enforce limits on cumulative weights of stocks holding at least a 5% share of the fund.

Under the new regime, Microsoft and Nvidia are expected to hover around a 21% weighting each, a marked increase from their prior figures. In contrast, Apple is set to plummet to approximately 4.5%, down significantly from its previous 22% weighting. This adjustment signifies a departure from previous conditions where Nvidia’s influence was artificially curtailed by index regulations, now reflecting its ascendant market stature.

The rebalance decision underscores the fierce competition among these tech giants, whose market capitalizations are now tightly clustered around the $3.2 trillion mark, with only marginal differences separating them. Such adjustments in the XLK, boasting $71 billion in assets under management, translate into substantial financial maneuvers, though specifics on trading strategies remain undisclosed by SPDR.

This recalibration within XLK serves as a vivid illustration of how ostensibly passive index funds can diverge markedly, particularly when focused on specific market segments. Bartolini underscores the importance of understanding these weightings and rebalance frequencies, highlighting how these nuances can alter exposures and differentiate seemingly similar funds.

The Technology Select Sector Index, which forms the basis for XLK, employs a float-adjusted market cap methodology to determine stock weights, accommodating large stakeholders like Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway in its calculations. This approach mitigates the impact of controlled interests on stock valuations, ensuring a fair representation of true market dynamics.

Effective at the end of the week, this rebalance will persist for a quarter, irrespective of subsequent stock performances. On the latest trading day, Apple showed a 1.8% increase, while Nvidia saw a modest uptick of 0.2%, underlining the ongoing volatility and strategic recalibration within the tech sector as reflected by XLK’s adjustments.

For the full original article on CNBC, please click here: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/17/nvidia-to-get-20percent-weighting-and-billions-in-investor-demand-while-apple-demoted-in-major-tech-fund.html