Majuba Hill investor Greenway sells all shares

Monday, July 4th, 2022 9:57 pm EDT


This report is made pursuant to the provisions of the securities legislation referred to herein in connection with certain dispositions of securities of Majuba Hill Copper Corp. The transaction took place through the facilities of the Canadian Securities Exchange.

  • Identity of Disposer
  • The transaction described in item 1 above took place on July 4, 2022, and involved David Greenway (“Greenway”) of North Vancouver, BC and the following joint actors:
    • Bam Bam Capital Corp. of North Vancouver, BC (the “Joint Actors”)
  • Interest in Securities of the Reporting Issuer
    • On July 4, 2022, Greenway and the Joint Actors disposed ownership and control of 2,225,300 common shares (the “Subject Shares”) of the Company. The sale of the Subject Shares represented the sale of approximately 11.66% of all issued and outstanding common shares of the Company as of July 4, 2022 immediately following the transaction described above, resulting in a corresponding decrease in the percentage of shares held by Greenway and the Joint Actors as a result of the transaction.
    • Immediately before the transaction described above, Greenway and the Joint Actors held 2,225,300 common shares of the Company (the “Pre-Shares”) and convertible securities entitling Greenway and the Joint Actors to acquire an additional 1,568,800 common shares of the Company (the “Pre-Convertible Securities”) representing approximately 11.66% of the issued and outstanding common shares of the Company (or approximately 19.04% on a partially diluted basis, assuming exercise of the Pre-Convertible Securities only).
    • Immediately following the transaction described above, Greenway and the Joint Actors held Nil common shares (the “Post-Shares”) and convertible securities entitling Greenway and the Joint Actors to acquire an additional 1,568,800 common shares of the Company (the “Post-Convertible Securities”), representing 0% of the issued and outstanding common shares of the Company (or approximately 7.87% assuming exercise of such Post-Convertible Securities only).
  • Consideration Paid.
    • The Subject Shares were sold for an average of $0.205 per Subject Share.
  • Purpose of the Transaction
    • The holdings of securities of the Company by Greenway and the Joint Actors are managed for investment purposes. Greenway and the Joint Actors may from time to time acquire additional securities of the Company, dispose of some or all of the existing or additional securities they hold or will hold, or may continue to hold their current positions.
  • Agreements, Arrangements, Commitments or Understandings with respect to Securities of the Company
    • The Subject Shares do not contain any provisions regarding the transfer, guarantee or voting of such securities.
  • Change in Material Fact.
    • Not Applicable.
  • Exemption.
    • Not Applicable.
  • Certification
    • The undersigned certifies that the information herein is true and complete in every respect.