How to Keep US Congress in the Hands of the Only Party that Believes in Global Warming: Part 2

Tuesday, September 6th, 2022 10:40 am EDT

Background: The US has essentially a two-party system. 20 years ago, both parties were respectable and believed that the democratic system was a wonderful thing that had been handed down to us by the founding fathers and those that have governed since. Both parties also believed in protecting the environment and that anthropogenic global warming was most likely happening and that we should try to do something about it.

However, if you look at the recent history of political contributions, you will see that the Republican Party has been bought and paid for by the fossil fuel industry! You can hardly find a single Republican politician who will be caught even admitting the possibility of global warming. The fossil fuel industry has spent billions lobbying governments around the world to do nothing to stop global warming. And why wouldn’t they? A true switch to green energy will mean trillions of dollars in stranded assets for oil, gas, and coal companies.

Even more importantly, since Trump’s loss in the election of 2020 leading to the January 6th, 2021, insurrection at the capitol in Washington, DC, it is clear that the majority of Republicans are willing to give up our democratic system if that’s what it takes to get and stay in power.

US off-year elections almost always result in the president’s party (in the present case, Democrats) losing seats in both the House and the Senate. With the Senate split 50 seats Democratic and 50 seats Republican, Democrats can’t afford to lose even a single seat. However, former President Trump has supported some really bad candidates that have now made it through the primaries, the Supreme Court has decided to terminate the rights of women to choose how to handle their body in a pregnancy, and much has been revealed through the dramatic Congressional hearings on the January 6, 2022 insurrection. With those facts, political polls are forecasting another 50–50 split in the Senate. In my first article on this topic, I gave the names and photos of 5 US Senate candidates where your support could make the difference. I added two more names for good measure. They are listed again at the end of this article. Trump, abortion, and insurrection give Democrats hope that they can win the uphill battle to also keep the House.

Help Keep Democratic Control of the House

Keeping control of the US House of Representatives in the hands of the Democrats this year will be a tough job. Recent political polls are predicting the new House most likely will have 248 Republicans to 225 Democrats, which means that Democrats will likely lose control of the House for the first time in 4 years. It will take some heavy lifting to keep this from happening. This means Democrats will need to flip a net of 12 seats from the current forecasts.

It’s not likely that most of you will donate to 12 or more Democratic candidates needed to ensure that the Democrats keep control of the House.

However, I will suggest 12 House races that are rated as toss-ups now where your contribution could make a difference. A link is given for each candidate. You can give $5 or $10 to each candidate or keep it simple and give $120 to one of them. Some use Act Blue, which makes it easy to donate multiple times to multiple Democratic candidates.

Democrats vs. Republicans

Christy Smith vs. Garcia: California 27th Congressional District

Donate to Christy Smith — ActBlue

Sharice Davids vs. Atkins Kansas 3rd Congressional District

Let’s Help Sharice Davids to Victory (Again!) — ActBlue

Ruday Salas vs. Valadao California 22 Congressional District

Donate to Rudy Salas, Candidate [D, CA-22] — Votesane

Eric Sorensen vs. King Illinois 17th Congressional District

Donate to Eric Sorensen — 3.14 Action

Pat Ryan vs. Schmitt New York 18th Congressional District

Donate to Pat Ryan for Congress

Elaine Luria vs. Kiggans Virginia 2nd Congressional District

Donate to Elaine’s Democratic campaign — ActBlue

Susan Wild vs. Scheller Pennsylvania 7th Congressional District

Donate to Susan Wild — ActBlue

Wiley Nickel vs. Hines North Carolina 13th Congressional District

Donate to Wiley Nickel for Congress | NC-13

Gabe Vasques vs. Herrell New Mexico 2nd Congressional District

Donate to Gabe Vasques at BLUE CD2 NEW MEXICO — Blue CD2 New Mexico

Susie Lee vs. Becker Nevada 3rd Congressional District

Donate to Susie Lee for Congress

Yadira Carveo vs. Kirkmeyer Colorado 8th Congressional District

Donate to Yadira Caraveo for Congress | Colorado | District 8

David Trone vs. Parrott Maryland 6th Congressional District

Donate to David Trone — Democrat for Congress

Help Keep Democratic Control of the Senate

So that you don’t have to open and explore my earlier article: If Democrats prevail in these 7 key winnable races, Democrats will most likely retain control of the Senate and may even be able to eliminate the veto pen of Joe Manchin.

(Note: if you contribute using ActBlue, it will save your credit card information and allow you to more easily contribute to other Democratic candidates and contribute again later if you desire.)

The key US Senate battleground races most winnable by the Democrats in 2020 are: 

1) In my home state: Democrat Mandela Barnes versus sitting US Republican Senator Ron Johnson in Wisconsin. From RealClear Politics as of August 17: Mandell Barnes is currently up by 7 points over Johnson. You can donate by using this link: Mandela Barnes for Senate — ActBlue.

2) Democrat Raphael Warnock vs. Herschel Walker in Georgia. From RealClear Politics, the last 4 polls show Warnock leading by from 4 to 9 points. You can contribute to Warnock’s campaign at: Donate to Raphael Warnock — ActBlue.

3) Democrat John Fetterman vs. Carpet Bagger Dr. Mehmet Oz in Pennsylvania. A win by Fetterman will flip this seat from Republican to Democrat. You can donate using this link: John Fetterman for Senate — ActBlue.

4) Former astronaut and current US Senator Mark Kelly vs. Blake Masters in Arizona. An August 18 poll shows Kelly up 8 points over Masters. You can donate to Mark Kelly at: Donate to Mark Kelly — ActBlue.

5) Democrat Catherine Cortez Masto vs. Joe Heck in Nevada. From RealClear Politics and the Reno Gazette-Journal/Suffolk*, an August 21 poll has Masto is up by 7 points over Heck. The link to donate to Masto is: Catherine Cortez Masto for Nevada Senate — ActBlue.

6) Democratic Senate candidate Cheri Beasley appears to be well-positioned to possibly flip North Carolina‘s Republican-held Senate seat blue. However, this would be a more difficult Democratic pickup. You can donate to Cheri Beasley using the link: Cheri Beasley! — ActBlue

7) Democratic Senate candidate Val Demings vs. Marco Rubio in Florida. The August 8 to 12 poll by the University of North Florida found Demings holding a lead of 4 points against Rubio. However, this would be a long shot. You can donate to Val Demings using the link: Donate to Val Demings — ActBlue.

If enough CleanTechnica readers and others (share the link to this article with your family and friends) join the wave with a donation of $5, $10, $15, $25 or more (whatever your budget allows), it could make the difference in maintaining Democratic control of the Senate.

Repeating: What evidence do we have that we are already cooking our only home, planet Earth?

A number of recent events have made it impossible to ignore the warming of our planet any longer. We call it global warming because it is climate (not weather) and it happens slowly over decades or longer, but considering recent events, we should probably call it global cooking.

  • Unprecedented heat waves in Europe. Temperatures breached 40 degrees C/104 degrees F for the very first time in England.
  • Unprecedented 70 continuous days of heat wave in China: The heat wave officially passed the 70-day mark recently, the longest continuous stretch of high temperatures since the country began recording such data in 1961. State officials said more than 240 cities saw temperatures over 104 degrees F within the past week.
  • Wildfires of unprecedented size and intensity in the Western US.
  • Numerous hurricanes and typhoons of record intensity (warmer sea temperatures provide the fuel that makes category 5 hurricanes and super typhoons more likely).
  • Unprecedented flooding in the US and Europe (warmer air is able to hold more water).
  • Damage to coral reefs around the world due to water temperature increases.
  • Continued melting of mountain glaciers around the world.
  • Continued melting of the Greenland icecap and Antarctic glaciers.
  • Continued reduction of ice in the North Polar Ocean.

Please add your suggestions in the comments section and share the link with your like-minded family members and friends.

Featured image by Francine Sreca from Pixabay


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