House GOP boots Pelosi, Hoyer from House hideaways after Speaker Kevin McCarthy ouster

US Markets
Wednesday, October 4th, 2023 6:31 pm EDT

Key Points

  • Democratic Leaders Evicted from Capitol Offices: Republican leaders have removed former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and ex-Majority Leader Steny Hoyer from their longstanding Capitol hideaway offices without providing an explanation. These coveted offices are traditionally allocated to leaders from both parties, and their eviction marks a break with tradition.
  • Eviction Follows House Vote to Oust Kevin McCarthy: The removal of Pelosi and Hoyer from their Capitol offices occurred after the House voted to remove Kevin McCarthy as its speaker. This decision was supported by every Democrat present in the House, causing political tensions within the chamber.
  • Political Tensions and Dispute Over Leadership: The eviction reflects ongoing political tensions in the House, with Republican lawmakers expressing frustration over Democrats siding with hardline conservatives and Rep. Matt Gaetz’s motion to remove McCarthy as speaker. McCarthy highlighted that Pelosi had previously promised support if a motion to vacate the speaker’s position was introduced but was not present to back him during the recent vote.

Republican leaders have removed former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and ex-Majority Leader Steny Hoyer from their long-held Capitol hideaway offices without providing an explanation. The eviction came after the House voted to oust Kevin McCarthy as its speaker, and every Democrat present supported the move. Pelosi and Hoyer were informed that their second offices within the Capitol would be “re-assigned.” The decision to remove them from these coveted offices marks a break with tradition, and the reasons behind the eviction remain unclear. Despite losing their hideaway offices, Pelosi and Hoyer will retain their larger congressional offices in the Longworth House Office Building. Republican lawmakers are upset with Democrats for supporting the removal of McCarthy as speaker, and the move reflects ongoing political tensions in the House.

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