Franco-Nevada invests $481 million in Tocantinzinho gold project in Brazil

Monday, July 18th, 2022 8:23 am EDT

The project’s positive economics was confirmed by its recent feasibility study, showing total gold production of 1.8 million oz. over a mine life of 10.5 years, resulting in an average annual gold production of 174,700 oz. with an all-in-sustaining cost of $681/oz. and initial capital cost of $458 million.

As shown in the FS, the Tocantinzinho project has an after-tax net present value (5% discount rate) of $622 million with an after-tax internal rate of return of 24% at a gold price of $1,600/oz. The project mine plan is based on proven and probable mineral reserves of 48.7 million tonnes at an average gold grade of 1.31 g/t for 2.04 million contained ounces of gold.

To support the project’s construction, Franco-Nevada has agreed to spend $250 million to acquire a gold stream on the Tocantinzinho project, based on following schedule: 12.5% of gold produced until 300,000 oz. of gold have been delivered, and 7.5% of gold produced for the remaining life of mine thereafter. G Mining will receive 20% of the spot gold price for each ounce of gold delivered. Franco-Nevada will also have the option to purchase gold stream on additional properties with mining production processed through the Tocantinzinho facilities.

In addition to the gold stream, Franco-Nevada has agreed to provide a $75 million, six-year term loan to G Mining and subscribe for $27.5 million worth of G Mining’s shares. Proceeds from the share purchase would fall under G Mining’s previously announced $116.4 million equity financing. At closing, Franco-Nevada would own 9.9% of G Mining’s outstanding shares.

The entire funding package to G Mining ($352.5 million) will be drawn from Franco-Nevada’s cash on hand. As of March 31, 2022, the company had approximately $723 million in cash and cash equivalents and $1.7 billion in available capital.

“Tocantinzinho is an attractive project in a prolific district and located in a good jurisdiction. The G Mining Ventures team has a track-record as one of the most capable mine building teams in the industry. As a stream financing partner we seek, through our financing and our involvement in projects, to help mine developers raise their full financial package on attractive terms,” Paul Brink, president and CEO of Franco-Nevada, commented.

As for the rest of Franco-Nevada’s financing commitment to the project, the company has arranged equity private placements to two strategic investors ($68.8 million to La Mancha Investments and $20 million to Eldorado Gold), and up to $40 million in equipment financing with Caterpillar Financial Services.

Eldorado Gold is the previous owner of the Tocantinzinho project; G Mining acquired the property in October 2021 for $115 million.

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