Tuesday, June 21st, 2022 10:56 am EDT

The new MOA between FPX and the Binche Society formalizes protocols for continuing the co-operative working relationship established between FPX, the Binche Society, and constituent Keyoh families regarding exploration and development activities at Decar.
The MOA confirms the support by the Binche Society and constituent Keyoh families for offsite engineering and scientific studies and onsite field programs. It also describes how project activities will be managed with respect to cultural and environmental interests of the Binche Whut’enne, ongoing community consultation activities, and socio-economic benefits to the Binche community through capacity funding, and business and employment opportunities.
“Since the beginning of exploration activities at Decar in 2008, FPX has worked respectfully with the traditional Keyoh families of Binche Whut’enne and Tl’azt’enne to create shared value through employment and economic opportunities, while also being responsible stewards of the natural environment,” Martin Turenne, FPX’s president and CEO, commented.
“This agreement signifies that the Binche Whut’enne Keyoh families are recognized as the true title and rights holder that have the decision-making authority for their traditional family Keyoh territories,” Chief Dwayne R. Martin of Binche Whut’en added.
The Decar nickel district is FPX’s flagship project, covering 245 km2 of area in the Mount Sidney Williams ultramafic-ophiolite complex, located 90 km northwest of Fort St. James. Nickel-iron alloy mineralization has been identified in four target areas within this complex, with the main exploration focus being on Baptiste, which has shown promise for bulk tonnage, open pit mining.
Based on its most recent resource update (2020), the Baptiste deposit is estimated to contain 2 billion tonnes of indicated material, grading 0.12% nickel, for 2.43 million tonnes of contained metal.
Learn more about the Decar nickel district at
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