Climate activist Greta Thunberg arrested at London protest after disrupting major oil conference

Tuesday, October 17th, 2023 2:00 pm EDT

Key Points

  • Greta Thunberg’s arrest at an energy conference: Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg was detained by police in London while participating in a protest organized by Fossil Free London and Greenpeace. The demonstration, called “Oily Money Out,” aimed to disrupt the Energy Intelligence Forum, a major gathering of oil and gas industry leaders, politicians, and civil society groups.
  • A call for direct action and challenging the oil elite: The protesters, including Thunberg, stressed the need for direct action to counter the influence of the oil industry’s elite and their profit-driven agenda. Nuri Syed Corser, an organizer with Fossil Free London, emphasized their determination to protest, asserting their right to do so, despite arrests.
  • Thunberg’s commitment to continued activism: Greta Thunberg stated that this protest marked the beginning of a larger fight, vowing to persistently disrupt such events until they see real action being taken. She expressed the goal of reclaiming power from the fossil fuel industry and ending its influence over climate policy.

Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg was detained by police during a protest at the Energy Intelligence Forum in London. The “Oily Money Out” demonstration was organized by Fossil Free London and Greenpeace, aiming to disrupt the major energy conference attended by oil and gas executives, politicians, and civil society groups. Thunberg emphasized the need for direct action to counter the influence of the oil elite and their profit-oriented plans, declaring the protest as the beginning of a fight to bring about real action and reclaim power from fossil fuel interests. The arrest of Greta Thunberg and others at the demonstration has not deterred their commitment to climate activism.

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