Monday, March 11th, 2024 3:46 pm EDT

Key Points

  • Aurion Resources Ltd. received notice from B2Gold Corp. regarding an offer from Rupert Resources Ltd. to acquire B2Gold’s 70% interest in their joint venture in northern Finland’s Central Lapland greenstone belt.
  • Rupert Resources proposes issuing approximately 28.6 million common shares valued at $102.8 million to B2Gold in exchange for its stake, subject to finalizing a definitive agreement, mutual due diligence, and regulatory approvals.
  • Aurion, as per the shareholders agreement, holds a right of first refusal (ROFR) to acquire B2Gold’s interest under terms no less favorable than those offered by Rupert, with a decision deadline of May 9, 2024. Aurion is currently assessing the offer and plans to provide updates accordingly.

Aurion Resources Ltd. has received notice from B2Gold Corp., informing the company that B2Gold has received an offer from Rupert Resources Ltd. to acquire B2Gold’s 70-per-cent interest in the joint venture between B2Gold and Aurion, which owns properties located in the Central Lapland greenstone belt in northern Finland.

The notice of sale and offer indicates that B2Gold and Rupert have entered into a letter agreement in respect of the offer whereby, as consideration for the ownership interest, Rupert will issue to B2Gold 28,644,111 common shares of Rupert, implying a total value of $102.8-million (based upon the market price of such shares as of March 8, 2024), in exchange for B2Gold’s 70-per-cent interest in the JV company. The transaction is conditional upon execution of a definitive agreement and investor rights agreement, completion of mutual due diligence, and applicable regulatory approvals.

The notice of sale and offer was provided to the company pursuant to the shareholders agreement dated Aug. 14, 2019, among B2Gold, Aurion and the JV company. Pursuant to the agreement, Aurion holds a right of first refusal (ROFR) with respect to the proposed sale by B2Gold of its interest in the JV company. The ROFR provides Aurion with the right to acquire B2Gold’s interest in the JV company upon terms no less favourable than those offered by Rupert. Aurion has until May 9, 2024, to decide whether it will exercise its ROFR.

Aurion is evaluating the notice of sale and offer and will update the market in due course.

About Aurion Resources Ltd.

Aurion Resources is a well-financed, Canadian exploration company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange and the OTCQX Best Market. Aurion’s strategy is to generate or acquire early-stage precious metals exploration opportunities and advance them through direct exploration by its experienced team or by business partnerships and joint venture arrangements. Aurion’s current focus is exploring on its Risti project, as well as advancing its joint venture properties with B2Gold and Kinross Gold in Finland.