American Airlines works with startup to reduce carbon dioxide by storing bricks of plant material underground

Tuesday, November 28th, 2023 7:28 pm EDT

Key Points

  • American Airlines Partners with Graphyte: American Airlines has entered into a partnership with startup Graphyte to remove carbon from the atmosphere. Graphyte’s technology involves storing carbon in bricks made from plant materials underground, preventing the carbon’s release into the atmosphere.
  • Purchase of Carbon Removal Credits: As part of the deal, American Airlines will purchase credits equivalent to 10,000 tons of permanent carbon removal from Graphyte. This collaboration marks Graphyte’s first commercial customer for its carbon casting process.
  • Graphyte’s Carbon Casting Process: Graphyte utilizes a process called carbon casting, converting byproducts from agriculture and timber industries, such as wood bark, rice hulls, and plant stalks, into carbon-dense bricks. These bricks are then sealed with a polymer barrier and stored in underground chambers. Graphyte claims that this method is a cost-effective and scalable alternative to traditional carbon capture and removal techniques. The technology is aimed at addressing the challenge of reducing the aviation industry’s impact on climate change, with American Airlines aiming for net-zero emissions by 2050. The startup is backed by Breakthrough Energy Ventures, founded by Bill Gates, which focuses on funding clean energy technologies.

American Airlines has entered into a partnership with Graphyte, a startup that employs a process called carbon casting to store bricks of plant material underground. This process involves converting byproducts from agriculture and timber industries, such as wood bark, rice hulls, and plant stalks, into carbon-dense bricks. These bricks are then sealed with a polymer barrier and stored in underground chambers, with sensors monitoring to prevent carbon leakage. The airline aims to purchase credits equivalent to 10,000 tons of permanent carbon removal from Graphyte, making it the startup’s first commercial customer. American Airlines is striving to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 and views high-quality, permanent, affordable, and scalable carbon credits as essential for reaching its emissions reduction goals. The partnership with Graphyte represents a step toward addressing the aviation industry’s challenge in reducing its impact on the climate. Graphyte’s carbon casting is presented as a cost-effective and scalable alternative to traditional carbon capture and removal methods. The startup is supported by Breakthrough Energy Ventures, an investment firm founded by Bill Gates that focuses on funding clean energy technologies.

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