Thursday, November 2nd, 2023 2:12 pm EDT

Barrick Gold Corp.’s Q3 results showed improved production at lower costs and confirmed its long-term growth forecast. President and chief executive Mark Bristow said the Q3 performance was an improvement on the previous quarter’s and Q4 is expected to be better. Despite the projected second half improvement, gold production is forecast to be marginally below the low end of our annual guidance range. Copper is comfortably on track to meet its guidance for production and costs. All amounts are expressed in US dollars.

Gold production in Q3 was higher than Q2 driven by improved performances at Cortez, Turquoise Ridge and Kibali. As previously disclosed, the ramp up at Pueblo Viejo is slower than planned. Barrick is engaged with original equipment suppliers to develop permanent solutions for their equipment failures. The 2024 Pueblo Viejo production forecast still exceeds 800,000 ounces (100% basis).1 The company also confirmed that the Notice of Availability for the Final Environmental Impact Statement for Goldrush was published on October 27.

“Mining is a long game and we don’t manage Barrick by the quarter-our projection for a 30% increase in the production of gold-equivalent ounces by the end of this decade remains intact,” Bristow said.2

Barrick’s other key growth projects-the development of the Reko Diq copper and gold mine in Pakistan, and the expansion of the Lumwana copper mine in Zambia-are making steady progress. Construction of Reko Diq is scheduled to start in 2025 targeting first production in 2028, and Lumwana’s expansion is scheduled on the same timetable. Reko Diq will rank among the world’s top 10 copper producers when it reaches full production, while the expanded Lumwana mine is forecast to produce at an annual production rate of 240,000 tonnes of contained copper.14,15

“Growing the copper portfolio is one of our strategic priorities, and when these two mines are in full production, they will promote Barrick to the premier league of copper producers alongside its peerless gold portfolio. In the meantime, we’re using our very successful Jabal Sayid copper mine in Saudi Arabia as a springboard for the discovery of new opportunities within the Kingdom and around the Red Sea to Egypt, where we believe the Arabian-Nubian Shield is poised to become a major new mining destination,” Bristow said. Barrick has aggressive exploration across its global portfolio, aiming both to sustain the company’s peerless record of reserves replacement, and to find its next million-ounce discovery. Since the merger with Randgold Resources in 2019, Barrick has replaced 125% of its depleted reserves (exclusive of divestments and acquisitions on a gold equivalent basis).16

Strong drill results at Nevada Gold Mines support its three-year resource and replacement plan and, brownfields exploration is highlighting the potential in the Africa and Middle East region, and the exploration portfolios of South, Central and North America are being expanded.

Bristow described Barrick’s financial performance for the quarter as strong, noting that operating cash flows grew by 35% to more than $1 billion, free cash flow3 was up significantly to $359 million, net earnings per share increased 24% to $0.21 per share and adjusted net earnings per share6 rose 26% to $0.24 per share. The quarterly dividend was maintained at 10 cents per share.

“Our robust balance sheet secures Barrick’s capacity to continue to invest in growth projects, both new and existing. These projects are not required to maintain our existing production profile; they’re exceptional opportunities to drive real long-term value creation, and our team has shown that they’re more than capable of fully delivering on them,” Bristow said.

Key Performance Indicators

Best Assets

  • Q3 gold production higher and costs lower than Q2; increased production from Cortez, Turquoise Ridge and Kibali
  • Stronger Q4 expected with 2023 gold production marginally below the low end of guidance
  • Pueblo Viejo equipment issues impact plant expansion project commissioning and ramp-up
  • Strong Q3 for copper production positions Barrick to deliver on annual guidance
  • Lumwana feasibility study on track for completion by end 2024, paving the way for near doubling of capacity
  • Signing of Special Mining Lease and Mining Development Contract keeps Porgera on track for year end restart11
  • Veladero Phase 7B leach pad expansion scheduled for completion in 2024
  • Reko Diq feasibility study update on track for completion by end of 2024
  • Strong brownfields drilling results at AME & LATAM Asia Pacific Tier One12 mines support expected replacement of 2023 reserve depletion
  • Mineral resource definition at NGM support future three year reserve/resource replacement strategy
  • Expanded exploration portfolio across South, Central and North America

Leader in Sustainability

  • Scope 3 emissions reduction and engagement targets set
  • Barrick complies with GISTM requirements for Extreme and Very High Consequence facilities in line with guidance
  • Barrick continues to exceed its water re-use and recycling targets
  • Malaria Incidence Rate13 26% below the comparable period from 2022
  • Barrick pioneers mining industry in Pakistan hosting first-ever Minerals Summit
  • Barrick establishes schools, clinics and water plants in Balochistan
  • Winnemucca Child Care and Early Learning Centre opened

Delivering Value

  • 35% quarter on quarter increase in operating cash flow to over $1.1 billion
  • Free cash flow3 increased by $296 million over Q2 to $359 million
  • Debt, net of cash decreased to $514 million; net leverage near zero
  • 24% increase in net earnings per share and 26% increase in adjusted net earnings per share6 to $0.24 for the quarter
  • $0.10 per share dividend declared

Q3 2023 Results Presentation

Webinar and Conference Call

Mark Bristow will host a live presentation of the results today at 11:00 AM ET, with an interactive webinar linked to a conference call. Participants will be able to ask questions.

Go to the webinar US and Canada (toll-free), 1 800 319 4610 UK (toll-free), 0808 101 2791 International (toll), +1 416 915 3239

The Q3 2023 presentation materials will be available on Barrick’s website at and the webinar will remain on the website for later viewing.

Barrick Declares Q3 Dividend

Barrick today announced the declaration of a dividend of $0.10 per share for the third quarter of 2023. The dividend is consistent with the company’s Performance Dividend Policy announced at the start of 2022.

The Q3 2023 dividend will be paid on December 15, 2023 to shareholders of record at the close of business on November 30, 2023.

“The continuing strength of our business and our balance sheet allows us to maintain the distribution of a robust dividend to our shareholders, whilst still ensuring adequate liquidity to invest in our significant growth projects,” said senior executive vice-president and chief financial officer Graham Shuttleworth.

Barrick Sets Scope 3 Emissions Targets In Line With Sustainability Strategy

Barrick has set Scope 3 emissions reduction targets to advance its responsible energy transitioning program in line with its integrated and holistic approach to sustainability management.

Scope 3 emissions are those generated outside the company’s operational control, associated with upstream and downstream activities. Barrick has already established a Scope 1 and 2 reduction target of 30% by 2030 against a 2018 baseline for its own operations while maintaining a steady production profile, with the ultimate vision of achieving net zero by 2050.

Group sustainability executive Grant Beringer says effective Scope 3 action requires the combined efforts of producers, suppliers and customers and must be backed by short-, medium- and long-term implementation plans.

“As with Scope 1 and 2, we’ve set a clear Scope 3 roadmap, with targets that are achievable, measurable and based on science rather than wishful thinking. After extensive supplier engagement and data collection, we’ve developed category-level targets for emissions hotspots that have the greatest potential for action. These targets are both quantitative and qualitative. Qualitative targets, and the engagement that goes with them, are fundamental to progressing collective action and the evolution of data quality. As we improve our data quality, we will review and refine our targets and the actions being taken to achieve them. In line with our partnership model, we are also helping suppliers to build the necessary management capacity,” he says.

Barrick president and chief executive Mark Bristow says the company’s climate strategy was a key component of its sustainability strategy, which is linked to the objectives of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

“Mining is integral to the achievement of the SDGs and Barrick has long shown the way by making sustainability foundational to all our activities. This has included the early creation of detailed and demonstrable emissions reduction roadmaps, with allocated capital, designed to deliver tangible progress towards our targets,” he says.

These targets are both quantitative and qualitative and are focused on high emission areas in our value chain as outlined below:

Goods and Suppliers (Category 1):17

Quantitative Target: 30% emissions reduction of “Tier 1” suppliers (those suppliers that collectively account for 5% of Barrick’s total spend in this category) by 2030 against a 2022 Scope 3 base year;

Qualitative Target: Incorporate 130 of our largest suppliers by spend into our annual outreach (this includes our Tier 1 suppliers as well as chemical and metal fabricator suppliers) and engagement;

2025 Target: Collect high-quality data for 50% of Tier 1 and chemical and metal fabricator suppliers through engagement, and refine emissions reduction targets by 2025.

Fuels and Energy (Category 3):17

Quantitative Target: 20% reduction against a 2022 Scope 3 base year by 2030;

Qualitative Targets:

Collaborate towards new technologies to reduce fleet emissions; and

Engage with host governments where we consume power from national grids for continued renewable energy incorporation.

Downstream Copper Processing (Category 10):17

Qualitative Target: Outreach and engagement of all downstream customers and smelters;

2025 Target: Set emissions reduction target, covering 75% of copper processing, by 2025.

Turquoise Ridge Turnaround Delivers 14% Production Increase

Turquoise Ridge, one of Nevada Gold Mines’ Tier One 12 mines, has increased production by 14% year on year against the same period in 2022, despite a planned shutdown, on the back of improved throughput and recovery at the Sage autoclave and a better underground performance. The mine is now well on track to achieve its annual guidance.

Nevada Gold Mines (NGM) managing director Peter Richardson says a new and rejuvenated leadership team had implemented a move from reactive to planned maintenance, achieving a substantial improvement in maintenance compliance. The stabilization of the carbon-in-leach circuit has delivered a 6% improvement in the recovery rate year on year.

“The now fully operational third shaft has increased the mine’s hoisting capacity, shortened hauling distances and provided additional ventilation. These improvements will increase production and significantly reduce mining unit costs.”

Richardson says the lessons learned from the Turquoise Ridge performance achievements will be applied across the Nevada mines. A similar maintenance intervention is already under way at Carlin’s process facilities, with the first focus on the Goldstrike autoclave.

Reko Diq Development Continues to Prepare for Early Work Start

The feasibility study update for the Reko Diq project, which hosts the giant copper-gold deposit in Pakistan’s Balochistan province, continues to make good progress towards its scheduled completion by the end of next year.

During the past quarter there was a strong focus on delineating water supply for the mine from surrounding aquifers. A seismic survey of aquifers in the surrounding area has indicated significant potential for aquifer water to meet the immediate water supply needs of the mine. Drilling has commenced to confirm the potential of these aquifers to meet the long-term water supply needs of the mine. Reko Diq also is working with Fleet Space Technologies, whose passive seismic geodes are purpose-built to perform in extreme conditions, to map the basin geometry of the groundwater systems.

An investigation of the region’s existing rail network has shown there are no capacity problems on the rail lines planned to be used by the mine during operation. The rail option is an efficient, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective way to transport copper concentrate from the mine to the port in Qasim and consumables and equipment back to the mine. Port Gwadar, in Balochistan, is being studied in parallel with Qasim and is expected to be used in the future once required infrastructure is developed by the Government of Pakistan to connect this port and the Government completes necessary port improvements.

Last quarter Barrick launched its International Graduate Program in Pakistan, designed to cultivate a cadre of future experts and leaders for the country’s fledgling mining industry. Nine young graduates-four of them women-have been selected through a merit-driven process in Balochistan. Their disciplines are electrical engineering, civil engineering, renewable energy and geology. Barrick is also working with other partners to develop vocational and technical training centres to ensure that as the project ramps up, people from the surrounding area will be equipped to participate. Reko Diq’s workforce, which will number more than 4,500 when the mine is fully operational, will be assembled, with priority given to Balochistan locals and Pakistan nationals. Currently the project workforce comprises 120 people with 70% from Balochistan.

In line with its commitment to sharing Reko Diq’s benefits with the people of Balochistan from an early stage, Barrick has already commissioned three primary schools and supplied them with qualified teachers and educational material. The schools have introduced young people, about half of them girls, to formal education. Similarly, it has partnered with the Indus Hospital and Healthcare Network (IHHN) to establish a community health centre in Reko Diq’s nearest neighbouring village. IHHN has donated a state-of-the-art mobile clinic, operationally funded by Reko Diq, to serve the community while the Reko Diq funded Indus hospital is being set up.

In the meantime, Barrick is progressing project financing discussions with potential lenders, with positive responses. The financing process is expected to be formally launched before the end of the year and will run in tandem with the updated feasibility study, which will form the basis of the funding.

Special Mining Lease Signals Porgera Restart

Governor General Sir Bob Dabae has granted a special mining lease to New Porgera Limited (NPL), clearing the way for Barrick to restart production at the gold mine, which has been on care and maintenance for three years. 11

This follows the signing of a mining development contract and the conclusion of a fiscal stability agreement for New Porgera between the government and NPL. NPL has commenced engagement with the mine property’s landowners to settle compensation agreements.

Barrick president and chief executive Mark Bristow said subject to agreement on compensation, the mine was positioned to restart before the end of this year. Recruitment was being accelerated to employ the full workforce that will be required when the mine starts ramping up operations as soon as the compensation agreements are in place.

“It’s been a long road, but the end is now in sight. Negotiations between Barrick, the government and the other stakeholders required patience and persistence but the spirit of partnership in which they were conducted eventually led to an outcome acceptable to all. Barrick’s commitment to partnership with its host countries is also reflected in NPL’s ownership structure, which ensures the equitable sharing of the value created by Porgera with all stakeholders,” he said.

As Loulo-Gounkoto Sustains a Strong Performance, Barrick Hunts for New Discoveries in the Region

The Loulo-Gounkoto complex is set to maintain its status as one of the world’s top 10 gold producers as it stays on track to meet this year’s guidance and continues to grow reserves above annual mining depletion, says Barrick president and chief executive Mark Bristow.

Briefing local stakeholders including journalists recently, he noted that in the 26 years Barrick had been in the country, it had worked tirelessly with successive governments and local partners to grow Mali’s mining industry and to promote it as a global investment destination, in the face of many social and political challenges.

Over this time, Barrick has contributed almost $10 billion to the Malian economy in the form of taxes, royalties, salaries and payments to local suppliers. Some 70% of the economic benefit currently generated by the complex goes to its Malian stakeholders. Loulo-Gounkoto has contributed between 5% and 10% to the Malian GDP over the past 10 years.

Barrick has also developed a previously non-existent mining skills base in the region and Loulo-Gounkoto’s entire management team are citizens of Mali. “Mali was the birthplace of Barrick’s philosophy of genuine partnerships with its host governments. Close relationships can over time be stressed by misconceptions but in the past we have always been able to find solutions through open and transparent dialogue. Mutually acceptable solutions can be achieved if there is a genuine commitment to seek outcomes that deliver real and long-term value for Mali and its people,” he said.

Meanwhile, exploration teams continue to find new growth opportunities in the very prospective Loulo-Gounkoto region. Updated geological models have already identified new high-priority targets with the potential of delivering the next generation of major discoveries.

“We remain committed to Mali and, as we invest in future growth here, we look forward to maintaining a mutually beneficial partnership with the authorities and our in-country stakeholders,” Bristow said.

Kibali Drives Sustainable Value Creation Through Partnerships

The planned third-quarter ramp-up at Kibali, Africa’s largest gold mine, has positioned it strongly to achieve its production guidance for the year, maintaining Barrick’s track record of delivery in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Speaking to journalists and local stakeholders in Kinshasa, president and chief executive Mark Bristow said Kibali was also well on its way to again replace the ounces mined during the year, with positive results from both KCD underground and Mengu Hill cut-back and good progress with the development of the KCD 11000 lode decline expected to yield further resource to reserve conversions.

Kibali derives most of its energy needs from its three hydropower stations with plans for a 16MW solar farm with a battery energy storage system to augment the hydropower supply during the dry season well under way. Following completion of this project, the mine will run entirely on renewable energy for six months of the year reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 19.7kt CO2e annually.

Part of the World Gold Council’s new documentary, GOLD: A Journey with Idris Elba , released on YouTube, was filmed at Kibali. Bristow said the mine was driving sustainable value creation through local partnerships, spending over $180 million with Congolese suppliers in the year to date and continuing to invest in community development programs.

“As Barrick has shown, responsible mining has the unique ability to make a transformative impact on the economies of developing and underdeveloped countries. It is a force for good for all its stakeholders, especially host countries and communities, and that force is amplified when there is a genuine partnership between miners and governments,” he said.

These include Cahier des Charge, part of our social development program aligned with the Mining Code, which has launched eleven projects this year with seven nearing completion. Barrick’s investment in this program will total $8.9 million over five years. Additionally, the mine’s community development fund, which contributes 0.3% of revenue to projects, now has 44 projects under its wing.

Kibali also continues to lead the way in biodiversity, with an assessment under way for the transfer of a further 30 white rhinos to the Garamba National Park, where 16 were re-introduced earlier this year by a Barrick-led initiative.

Twiga Partnership Shows the Transformative Impact of Mining

Barrick and the Tanzanian government are demonstrating how mining can be an enormous force for good when miners and their host governments work together to create sustainable value for all stakeholders, says president and chief executive Mark Bristow.

Speaking to media and other local stakeholders at Loulo Gold mine recently, Bristow said Barrick’s pioneering Twiga partnership with the government, which equally shares the economic benefits generated by the North Mara and Bulyanhulu mines, should be a model for successful cooperation, notably in developing countries. Not only is Barrick now the largest contributor to the Tanzanian economy through taxes, salaries, dividends, payments to local suppliers, and investment in community projects, but it is also proving the country’s investability to other international mining companies.

Since taking over the two moribund mines in 2019, Barrick has transformed them into a world-class gold mining complex making a substantial contribution to the company’s bottom line. In that time, it has contributed more than $3 billion to the Tanzanian economy, with Twiga this year recognized as the largest dividend payer of all the companies in which the government has an interest. The mines spent 84% of their procurement budgets with local companies, and Tanzanian citizens account for 96% of their workforce.

In the same spirit of partnership, work has begun on the $30 million investment by Barrick in improving the country’s education facilities, and we are finalizing the details for a further $40 million roadbuilding program.

Both mines are well on track to achieve their production guidance for 2023 as well as to replace reserves depleted by mining. In the meantime, exploration across Barrick’s licence areas has highlighted new development opportunities across these areas, including a potential new underground mine at North Mara.

“Our Twiga partnership is not only adding value to the Tanzanian economy but to the quality of the lives of the communities around its mines as they continue to grow. Our continued engagement with these communities and their village leaders, local NGOs and human rights organizations demonstrates Barrick’s partnership philosophy and our commitment to upholding human rights standards in the regions in which we operate,” Bristow said.

Barrick Strengthens Zambia Partnership, Invests in Major Expansion of Lumwana Mine

Barrick’s transformation of its Lumwana mine into a world-class producer will provide strong impetus for the government’s thrust to revive the country’s copper industry, president and chief executive Mark Bristow said in Lusaka after a recent meeting with Zambian President Hakainde Hichilema.

Barrick is investing almost $2 billion in an expansion project designed to increase Lumwana’s annual production to an estimated 240,000 tonnes of copper from a 50 million tonne per annum process plant over a 36-year life of mine, elevating this once-unprofitable operation into the front rank of copper producers. The project’s accelerated work program is targeting completion of the full feasibility study by the end of 2024, bringing expected expanded process plant production forward to 2028.

Since the merger of Barrick and Randgold in 2019, Lumwana has contributed almost $3 billion to the Zambian economy in the form of taxes, royalties, salaries and the procurement of goods and services. In addition to its local procurement policy, the company is also committed to local employment, and 99.3% of Lumwana’s current workforce are Zambian nationals.

“Barrick believes that its host countries are its key stakeholders and that partnering with them creates sustainable value for both of us. In Zambia as elsewhere in our global network, we seek to share the economic benefits generated by our mines with the countries’ governments and people, notably our neighbouring communities,” Bristow said.

Last year Barrick launched a Business Accelerator Program aimed at building business capacity for the Zambian contractors in Lumwana’s supply chain and to support them in effecting their own growth plans. It is also partnering with the country’s Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises to support the development of these businesses.

Looking at Lumwana’s current performance, Bristow said it was on track to deliver its production guidance for 2023 and was ramping up mining with both the reopening of the Malundwe pit as well as delivery of the new owner mining pre-stripping fleet.

President Hakainde Hichilema said he was elated by the news of the planned expansion. “This is a show of confidence in our New Dawn government by one of the world’s leading mining companies. Our laser focus is on establishing Zambia as a global mining destination. We have also set ourselves the target of producing 3 million tonnes of copper by 2030. Barrick is a key strategic partner on this journey.”

Barrick’s Embedded Growth Projects to Drive Value With 30% Rise in Production

With the potential embedded in its growth project portfolio, Barrick plans to double its copper production by the end of the decade and continue to increase it to an estimated 1 billion pounds or 450,000 tonnes of copper per annum by 2031, says president and chief executive Mark Bristow. 2

Speaking to investors on an update call, Bristow said this substantial growth in copper production combined with the output from Barrick’s sector-leading gold portfolio was expected to increase the group’s attributable production by some 30% to 6.8 million gold-equivalent ounces by 2031.2,18

“The value of these projects, and in particular of our substantial and growing copper business, is currently underestimated by the market. If it was properly appreciated, Barrick would be commanding a premium to our peers,” he said.

Mineral resource management and evaluation executive Simon Bottoms said “Reko Diq in Pakistan is positioned to rank as one the world’s top 10 copper mines when it reaches full production, and the pre-feasibility study on the Lumwana Super Pit Expansion is projected to deliver a potential of 240,000 tonnes of copper production per annum from a 50 million tonne process plant expansion over a 36-year life of mine.14,15 As a result of the progress the accelerated Lumwana work program is now targeting to complete a full feasibility study by the end of 2024, which brings forward our expected production from the Super Pit to 2028. The Reko Diq project also remains on track to deliver an updated feasibility study by the end of 2024. Together, the Reko Diq and Lumwana Super Pit feasibility studies will underpin potential 2024 reserve updates as an indicator of the transition to construction”.

“Within our gold growth portfolio, the wholly-owned Fourmile project is a best-in-class development project located in the world’s most prolific gold district adjacent to existing infrastructure, with ongoing drilling demonstrating significant potential to increase in grade and size. Accordingly, we are assessing options for independent exploration decline access in support of a pre-feasibility study, which would later be re-utilised for development and production complementing the current Goldrush development. The results of our preliminary economic assessment indicate that this could support a potential production profile of 300,000-400,000 ounces per annum, over and above the existing Cortez profile of 0.95-1.1 million ounces per year (100% basis) over 10 years,” says Bottoms.2,19

Bristow said Nevada Gold Mines, the world’s largest gold mining complex, was expected to grow its annual production to 3.7 million ounces (100% basis) towards the end of the decade driven by our three Tier One assets and near-mine exploration pointed to the extension of that horizon to 15 years and beyond.2,12

In the Carlin District, the current 10-year production profile is expected to be between 1.4-1.6 million ounces per year (100% basis), and we have identified an exciting potential high-grade opportunity at Horsham, on the northeast side of the known high-grade controlling structures in the Leeville Complex, that we will advance over the next few years, and is expected to extend this profile well past the 10-year window.2

Similarly at Turquoise Ridge, we expect to build on the already significant reserves and resources base with multi-million ounce potential growth opportunities at Cricket Corridor to the east, BBT Corridor to the south, and Getchell Fault zone to the west. This will potentially further add to the existing 10-year production profile of 550,000-750,000 ounces per year (100% basis).2

In Latin America, the Pueblo Viejo expansion project is transforming a Tier One mine headed for closure into a long-life, low-cost producer.20 While in Papua New Guinea, we are working towards the restart of Porgera by the end of this year, and restarted drilling will target the resource definition of the Wangima Pit, with similar geology to the existing underground and open pit, which has the potential to underpin an approximately 20 year mine life.21

“The Africa and Middle East region, our most consistent production and reserve replacement performer, now also presents us with the exciting growth opportunities as we leverage our partnership model in Tanzania and Saudi Arabia,” Bristow said.

We seek Safe Harbor.