Biden unveils U.S. government’s first-ever AI executive order

Monday, October 30th, 2023 2:23 pm EDT

Key Points

  • President Biden’s Executive Order on AI Regulation: President Joe Biden has issued an executive order aimed at regulating and promoting responsible development of artificial intelligence (AI). This order, the first of its kind by the U.S. government, addresses various key areas concerning AI technology.
  • Eight Key Components of the Executive Order: The executive order outlines eight key components, including:
    • Safety and Security Standards for AI: AI companies will be required to share safety test results with the federal government. The Commerce Department will create guidance for AI watermarking, and a cybersecurity program will be established to identify flaws in critical software using AI tools.
    • Protecting Consumer Privacy: Guidelines will be created for federal agencies to evaluate privacy techniques used in AI, ensuring that AI technologies respect and protect consumer privacy.
    • Advancing Equity and Civil Rights: The order provides guidance to prevent AI algorithms from furthering discrimination in areas such as housing and federal contracting. It also outlines best practices for AI’s role in the justice system, including sentencing, risk assessments, and crime forecasting.
    • Protecting Consumers: The Department of Health and Human Services will create a program to evaluate potentially harmful AI-related healthcare practices. Additionally, resources will be developed for educators to responsibly use AI tools.
    • Supporting Workers: A report on the potential labor market implications of AI will be produced, and strategies for supporting workers impacted by labor market disruptions will be studied.
    • Promoting Innovation and Competition: Grants for AI research, especially in areas like climate change, will be expanded. Criteria for highly skilled immigrant workers with expertise in AI will be modernized to facilitate their stay in the U.S.
    • Working with International Partners: The U.S. will collaborate with international partners to implement AI standards globally.
    • Developing Guidance for Federal Agencies: Federal agencies will receive guidance on AI use and procurement, along with efforts to expedite hiring of AI-skilled workers.
  • The Significance of the Executive Order: This executive order is considered “the strongest set of actions any government in the world has ever taken on AI safety, security, and trust.” It builds on voluntary commitments secured from leading AI companies, marking the first major binding government action on AI. It emphasizes the need for concrete regulation in the development of AI technology. The executive order also highlights the importance of addressing issues such as discrimination and privacy in AI. President Biden’s directive requires large companies to share safety test results with the government before the official release of AI systems and prioritizes the development of AI security and watermarking standards. The order also promotes transparency, accountability, and responsible use of AI technology. It signifies the U.S. government’s commitment to balancing AI’s risks and benefits.

President Joe Biden has issued a groundbreaking executive order on artificial intelligence (AI), marking the U.S. government’s first comprehensive move to regulate and promote the responsible development of AI technology. The order addresses various aspects of AI, including safety, security, privacy, equity, civil rights, and its impact on the labor market. Here are the key points from the executive order:

  1. Creating New Safety and Security Standards: The order mandates the establishment of safety and security standards for AI. It requires AI companies to share safety test results with the federal government, directs the Commerce Department to create guidance for watermarking AI, and initiates a cybersecurity program to identify flaws in critical software using AI tools.
  2. Protecting Consumer Privacy: Guidelines are set to be created that federal agencies can use to evaluate privacy techniques used in AI. This provision aims to ensure that AI technologies respect and protect consumer privacy.
  3. Advancing Equity and Civil Rights: The order includes guidance for landlords and federal contractors to prevent AI algorithms from furthering discrimination. It also focuses on best practices regarding the use of AI in the justice system, such as in sentencing, risk assessments, and crime forecasting.
  4. Protecting Consumers Overall: The Department of Health and Human Services will develop a program to evaluate potentially harmful AI-related healthcare practices. Additionally, resources will be created to guide educators in the responsible use of AI tools.
  5. Supporting Workers: A report on the potential labor market implications of AI will be produced. The executive order calls for a study on how the federal government can support workers impacted by disruptions in the labor market.
  6. Promoting Innovation and Competition: To encourage AI research in areas like climate change, grants for AI research will be expanded. The criteria for highly skilled immigrant workers with expertise in AI are to be modernized to facilitate their stay in the U.S.
  7. Working with International Partners: The U.S. will collaborate with international partners to implement AI standards globally. This emphasizes the importance of regulating AI on a global scale.
  8. Developing Guidance for Federal Agencies: Federal agencies will receive guidance on AI use and procurement. Efforts to expedite the government’s hiring of workers skilled in AI are also part of the order.

This executive order is a significant milestone in the regulation and development of AI technology. It has the force of law and represents the first binding government action on AI. While voluntary commitments from leading AI companies were previously secured, this order provides concrete regulation and oversight in the field. It also aligns with the U.K.’s AI safety summit, emphasizing the global importance of AI regulation. The order is part of President Biden’s effort to harness the benefits of AI while managing its risks and ensuring responsible development. It establishes clear guidelines for various aspects of AI technology, such as safety, privacy, and equitable use. While some aspects of the order have aggressive 90-day timelines, others may take up to a year to be fully implemented.

This executive order is part of a broader effort by the White House to address the development and implications of AI technology. It follows a series of steps to create spaces for discussion on AI development and guidelines. AI technology, with widespread adoption in applications like ChatGPT and AI image generators, has raised concerns about toxic speech, racial bias, and other issues. The order addresses these concerns by directing federal offices to develop standards for investigating and prosecuting civil rights violations related to AI. It also emphasizes the need to provide clear guidance to prevent AI algorithms from exacerbating discrimination. The order promotes transparency, accountability, and responsible use of AI technology in the United States. It signifies the U.S. government’s commitment to balancing AI’s risks and benefits in a rapidly advancing technological landscape.

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